Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults Reports Policy for DHS Licensed Programs

As a mandated reporter, if you know or suspect that a vulnerable adult has been maltreated, you must report it immediately (within 24 hours).

Where to Report

You can report to the state-wide common entry point, the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center, at 844-880-1574.

Or you can report internally to Mahado Ali, Director of Nursing and President. If this individual is involved in the alleged or suspected maltreatment, you must report to Burhan Ali, Office Manager.

Internal Report

When an internal report is received, Mahado Ali is responsible for deciding if the report must be forwarded to the state-wide common entry point. If Mahado Ali is involved in the suspected maltreatment, Burhan Ali will assume responsibility for deciding if the report must be forwarded to the state-wide common entry point. The report must be forwarded within 24 hours.

If you have reported internally, you will receive, within two working days, a written notice that tells you whether or not your report has been forwarded to the state-wide common entry point. The notice will be given to you in a manner that protects your identity. It will inform you that, if you are not satisfied with the facility’s decision on whether or not to report externally, you may still make the external report to the state-wide common entry point yourself. It will also inform you that you are protected against any retaliation if you decide to make a good faith report to the state-wide common entry point.

Internal Review

When the facility has reason to believe that an internal or external report of alleged or suspected maltreatment has been made, the facility must complete an internal review within 30 calendar days and take corrective action, if necessary, to protect the health and safety of vulnerable adults. The internal review must include an evaluation of the following:

  1. Whether related policies and procedures were followed;

  2. whether the policies and procedures were adequate;

  3. whether the reported event is similar to past events with the vulnerable adult or the services involved; and

  4. whether there is a need for corrective action by the license holder to protect the health and safety of vulnerable adults.

The internal review will be completed by Mahado Ali, RN and President. If this individual is involved in the alleged or suspected maltreatment, Burhan Ali will be responsible for completing the internal review.

The facility must document completion of the internal review and make internal reviews accessible to the commissioner immediately upon the commissioner's request.

Based on the results of the internal review, the license holder must develop, document, and implement a corrective action plan designed to correct current lapses and prevent future lapses in performance by individuals or the license holder, if any.

The license holder shall ensure that each new mandated reporter receives an orientation within 72 hours of first providing direct contact services to a vulnerable adult and annually thereafter. The orientation and annual review shall inform the mandated reporters of the reporting requirements and definitions specified under Minnesota Statutes, sections 626.557 and 626.5572, the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.65, the license holder's program abuse prevention plan, and all internal policies and procedures related to the prevention and reporting of maltreatment of individuals receiving services.

The license holder must document the provision of this training, monitor implementation by staff, and ensure that the policy is readily accessible to staff, as specified under Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.04, subdivision 14.

This reporting policy must be posted in a prominent location and be made available upon request.


Online copies of policies are provided as a courtesy for case manager and clients and are not guaranteed to be up to date. For specific inquiries about any policies, procedures, or practices please contact Apex Home Care to get a copy of the most recent edition of Policies and Procedures Manual.